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How can an Office Chair Lead to Death?

Sitting all day at the office in chair raises early death risk by 16%.

Did you know that sitting in an office chair all day can bring you closer to death? Yes, it’s a bit shocking but research shows that living the life of a desk jockey can increase your risk of early death by 16%.

480,688 participants in a 13-year study done in Taiwan were shown to have a lower heart rate when they spent the most of their time in chairs, according to research published in the JAMA Network Open. Cardiovascular disease has a 34% increased death risk.

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The majority of specialists advise office workers to occasionally go for a little stroll to maintain proper blood circulation and movement of all body components.

Long stretches of time spent sitting still without moving about can cause major health issues like obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and dangerously high cholesterol. It may result in illnesses including cancer and heart problems.

Our bodies are made to move, as evidenced by research, thus sitting still for extended periods of time causes some bodily parts to malfunction.

Research has also shown that if you sit for more than 8 hours a day without any physical activity, you are as likely to die as someone who is obese or very overweight. Smoke more cigarettes.

Many individuals believe that exercising after work would counteract the harmful effects of sitting, however even with regular exercise, sitting for extended periods of time can still be harmful to your health.

Effects on Men and Women

Compared to men, women are more likely to experience such bodily issues.

Men and women can have distinct consequences from prolonged sitting at work, some of which are listed below:

Physical change

Women often gain fat more quickly than men do, and they also prefer to gain it in the lower body whereas males typically gain it around the belly, which is linked to a higher risk of heart disease.

Changes in hormones

Men and women react differently to prolonged sitting due to changes in hormones. Women’s hormones, for instance, alter after menopause, which may impact metabolism and raise the risk of heart disease.

Bone problems

Osteoporosis, a disease related to the bones, too much sitting can weaken the bones, especially in women after menopause they are more likely to have weak bones or fractures and There is also a risk of developing heart diseases.

Psychological effects

Long stretches of time spent doing nothing but sitting still can cause restlessness and eventually lead to mental health issues including sadness and anxiety.

Extended durations of sitting can cause restlessness, discomfort, and even physical pain, which can aggravate people and impair their ability to concentrate.

Additionally, lack of movement and physical activity can affect mood leading to feelings of anxiety or depression, which can also disrupt sleep and increase stress levels.

How to counter these effects?

Judging by the research, it’s wise to try to build in physical activity during work to break up long periods of sitting.

Set a timer, and every thirty minutes, stand for three minutes, stretch your body, and go for a quick stroll.

Setting an alarm on your phone to remind you to stand up from your desk for a short while every hour is a simple solution.

Try to do some work standing up. During your meal break, try going for a walk, just 15 or 30 minutes of walking can help improve your health.

Sitting less and moving more is important for better health. Doing so not only reduces the risk of premature death but also helps prevent metabolic syndrome, obesity and other related diseases.

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