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HomeLatest NewsEntertainmentMahira Khan Win Best Actress for 'Prince Charming' at Indian Film Festival

Mahira Khan Win Best Actress for ‘Prince Charming’ at Indian Film Festival

Mahira Khan wins Best Actress Award for 'Prince Charming' at an Indian film festival.

Mahira Khan, wins Best Actress award, according to a press release.

Mahira khan won the  award-Short Film at the Indus Valley International Film Festival in New Delhi, India for Prince Charming

After making a name for himself as an actor, Sheheryar Munawar released his short film Prince Charming last year, which starred Khan and Zahid Ahmed together for the first time. In a very unique and creative way, Prince Charming discusses post-marital depression, a very real issue in our modern day and age.

In a statement, Khan said, “This award is dedicated to all the women who are suffering silently from post-marital depression.” “Such topics are considered taboo in our society, but here we are.” I’m glad this role touched the hearts of the audience; it’s one of the roles that will live on in my heart forever. I’d like to thank my dear friend Shehryar Munawar for having faith in me.”

Munawar’s directorial debut captures the marooned reality of an otherwise’stable’ relationship in 12 minutes. At first, this reality appears misguided, as the film suggests an extramarital affair in order to project an unhappy woman’s attempt to add colour to her life.

But it is the grey that the film revolves around, as it depicts the form that any relationship eventually takes at some point. And the dull, faded allure of this relationship takes its toll on the people it binds – sometimes in ways that others don’t understand.

Munawar, who sheds light on post-marital depression with this short flick, has demonstrated the perplexity of what may appear to be ‘ungratefulness.’

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