Thursday, December 19, 2024
HomeLatest NewsClimatesThe Health Organization's Warning about Heatwaves Continues

The Health Organization’s Warning about Heatwaves Continues

The NIH has issued a warning against sunstroke and heatwaves.

The National Institutes of Health has issued a warning that heatwaves have intensified across the country, with heat waves becoming more dangerous and damaging. And global warming is being blamed for climate change.

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The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports that heat waves are becoming more dangerous and damaging, and it predicts an increase in heat stroke-related morbidity and mortality.

According to the National Institutes of Health, it is advisable to take immediate precautions against heat stroke, such as avoiding direct sunlight.

Also Read: Some Precautionary Measures to Prevent Heat Waves in Pakistan

The consequences of heat waves can be avoided by staying hydrated as per the Heatwave and Sunstroke advice. According to the National Institute of Health, typhoid fever can also be caused by excessive heat.

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