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Ramadan Kareem, The Month of Forgiveness

Ramadan: 9th Islamic month, blessed with virtue’s and divine favor.

Fasting is the 4th pillar of Islam:

Which is called Sawm in Arabic, thirty fasts are imposed on Muslims in Ramadan Kareem. These Ramadan fasts are compulsory for every Muslim adult. Staying overnight during Ramadan has been described as a reward.

Ramadan Kareem is a month of patience and sorrow:

This month is also known as the month of patience and surely the reward of patience is paradise. Fasting makes a person patient and thankful.

A person can understand the suffering of a poor hungry person by being hungry during fasting.

More charity is done in this month. Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to give charity in this month.

The purpose of Ramadan fasting is to inculcate piety in a person so that he avoids evils such as lies, deception, fraud and loss of rights.

The gates of Paradise are opened in this month:

In this month, the gates of Paradise are opened for Muslims and all the gates of Hell are closed. Demons and stubborn giants are imprisoned.

This is the month of mercy. Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) explains the importance of Ramadan and says:

If the people knew what Ramadan is, my Ummah would wish that the whole year was Ramadan.

Holy Quran was revealed during Ramadan:

This month, the last book of Muslims, the Holy Quran, was revealed. The Holy Quran was revealed on the night of Laylatul Qadr.

There are clear arguments in the Holy Quran about the guidance of humans and the distinction between right and wrong.

Past sins are forgiven in Ramadan Kareem:

The virtue of Ramadan is such that all the sins of a Muslim are forgiven. Every night of Ramadan, Allah Ta’ala releases His servants from hell. Fasting brings Allah pleasure and pleasure.

Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

Whoever fasts in Ramadan with faith with the intention of reward, all his previous sins will be forgiven.

Fasting prevents sins:

The 1st decade of Ramadan is for mercy, 2nd for forgiveness and the 3rd for salvation from the fire. Every Muslim is prevented from doing evil during Ramadan. Indecency is avoided. During fasting, suffering from hunger and thirst becomes an atonement for sins.

This is the month of worship:

Staying overnight during Ramadan has been described as a reward. A person who performs posthumous worship in this month will receive the same reward as obligatory worship, and whoever performs obligatory worship is as if he performed seventy duties.

In Ramadan Kareem, the reward of worship is increased many times. The reward of Umrah in this month is equal to Hajj. Worshiping Lailatul-Qadr in one night is better than worshiping for a thousand months. This is an act of worship for which Allah will reward His servant.

Fasting elevates human morals:

By fasting, moral and spiritual powers are created, the mind of the fasting person is enlightened, his heart is pure. Fasting in Ramadan creates humility and reluctance in a person. There is a feeling of sympathy for the poor.

Fasting also improves human health. This is the cause of blessing in life. A person who refuses to fast is called an infidel. The odor of the mouth of a fasting person is more pleasing to Allah than musk.


Fasting is one of the five fundamental pillars of Islam. The fasting of this month has been declared obligatory. It is a means of salvation from the sins of man.

Allah Almighty gives the reward for this worship. It is a means of mercy, forgiveness and escapes from hell fire.

The requirement of politeness and respect for the fasts of Ramadan is not only to keep these fasts but also to avoid the work that leads to debauchery.

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