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Top 10 Health Benefits of Drinking Coconut Water

According to nutritionists, coconut water has many health benefits.

Health Benefits of Drinking Coconut Water. Coconut water boasts abundant electrolytes (minerals and salts crucial for nerve function, hydration, and cellular fluid balance) to the extent that it’s often dubbed “nature’s sports drink,” due to its suitability for replenishing fluids after exercise.

Coconut water health and dietary benefits.

It is a Rich Source of Nutrients and Electrolytes

Coconut water is ideal for both low-calorie and low-sugar diets, boasting only around 45 calories per cup and roughly 11 grams of sugar. Additionally, it’s naturally abundant in electrolytes such as potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Although dietary data may vary slightly depending on where the coconut is acquired and the maturity of the coconut, an average 8-ounce glass of coconut water contains:

  • Calories: 45.
  • Total fat: 0g.
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg.
  • Sodium: 25 mg.
  • Potassium: 470 mg.
  • Total carbohydrate: 11g
  • Total sugars: 11g.
  • Protein: 0 grams.
  • Calcium: 4% DV
  • Magnesium: 4% DV.
  • Phosphorus: 2% DV.

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May Aid in Post-Workout Recovery

Coconut water is rich in electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and magnesium. During sweaty activities, particularly in hot weather, coconut water can be highly beneficial.

Registered dietitian Maggie Michalczyk, based in Chicago, highlights that coconut water’s electrolytes aid in maintaining fluid balance, preventing dehydration, and supporting muscle function. It’s essential, however, to replenish with adequate carbohydrates and protein after exercising.

May Lower Blood Pressure and Stroke Risk

Bananas are known for their high potassium content, yet a single cup of coconut water contains more potassium than a medium-sized banana.

According to research, potassium-rich foods can improve heart health by lowering blood pressure and even protecting against stroke. When it comes to maintaining a healthy heart, it’s best to combine coconut water with other potassium-rich foods.

Can Promote Healthy Skin

A lack of sufficient hydration can cause dry, tight, and flaking skin. Drinking coconut water can help you meet your daily hydration needs, promoting circulation and bright skin. Certain types of coconut water are supplemented with vitamin C, which has numerous antioxidant effects and naturally encourages collagen formation, helping to keep your skin firm and youthful-looking.

Can Assist Rehydrate when Unwell

If you’re sick, your body can lose a lot of fluid through vomiting and diarrhea. According to Michalcyzk, coconut water can improve hydration and electrolyte balance more effectively than ordinary water in this scenario.

Some manufacturers also add vitamins C and vitamins D to their coconut water, which helps boost immune function even more.

May Help with Weight Management

You may be wondering if coconut water is effective for weight loss. We know that appropriate hydration is critical for nourishing every cell in the body and optimizing metabolic rate. And even though coconut water has more calories than ordinary water, it is much lower in calories than other beverages like soda and juice. This easy swap can help you cut calories during the week.

May Help Cure a Hangover

If a little too much wine at happy hour left you feeling parched and fuzzy the next day, Michalczyk recommends keeping coconut water in your refrigerator. She claims it will assist to replenish electrolytes that drinking may have depleted, as well as be an excellent thirst quencher.

It can Promote Bone Health

Women, particularly those over the age of 50, require as much calcium as possible (1000 mg for women 19-50, 1200 mg thereafter). Unless you consume a lot of dairy, it can be difficult to accomplish your goals through food alone. Why do we need so much? Calcium is necessary for bone strength, as well as for the efficient function of your muscles and nerves. One cup of coconut water contains around 17 mg of calcium, which helps you meet your daily recommended intake.

It is a Good Source of Magnesium

Magnesium is required for healthy muscles, nerves, bones, and blood sugar levels, and a lack of it over time may increase your risk of a variety of health problems, including diabetes and stroke. One cup provides 14% of your daily needs. If you have teenagers at home, keep it in the fridge for easy access—teens are more likely to have poor magnesium intakes, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Coconut may Help with Kidney Stones

The research is preliminary, but one tiny study discovered that coconut water helped participants urinate out more citrate, potassium, and chloride, implying that the beverage may help loosen stones or prevent them from forming in the first place. Most kidney stones are calcium, and citrate helps to prevent them from crystallizing. More research is needed, however please keep in mind that if you have other kidney problems, taking too much potassium (coconut water contains a lot of it) is not advised.

Are there any side effects from drinking coconut water?

You may be asking if it’s safe to drink coconut water every day. Coconut water is typically regarded safe to ingest and provides a tasty supply of natural electrolytes. However, there are a few exceptions to be aware of. If you have renal failure, you should exercise caution when drinking coconut water because it contains a lot of potassium.

Although this vitamin is generally beneficial to the body, when the kidneys fail, they can no longer remove extra potassium, thus monitoring your intake is critical.

When consumed on a regular basis, coconut water may provide an unexpected but significant amount of potassium, resulting in hyperkalemia, which shows an excess of potassium in the blood.

Also read this: How To Increase Red Blood Cells Quickly

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