Nora Fatehi Important Revelation about Offering Prayers


Dancer Nora Fatehi made an important revelation regarding the performance of prayers.

Well-known Bollywood dancer and actress Nora Fatehi shocked everyone when she spoke about her strong connection with Islam and the importance of prayers in daily life.

Nora said in an interview that prayer is like meditation in that it allows followers to connect with their Creator and find inner peace.

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When asked in an interview about prayer, Nora replied, “Yes, when you connect with your Creator, you experience a spiritual and mental transformation.”

Nora Fatehi continued by saying that only a person who prays five times a day can truly describe her beauty.

Also read: Movie Bade Miyan Chote Miyan Crossed over Rs 50 Crore in 7 Days

Nora said that the time of prayer is when you leave everything and bow before your creator and thank him.

He admitted that due to his busy schedule, he is not able to perform five daily prayers.

He remarked that since we are all sinners and sin throughout the day, now is the time to reconnect with God and try to cleanse the sin.

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What is Customer Data and How can it Used in Marketing?


Customer data is extremely valuable, making your marketing effective.

Making your marketing more effective is just one of the many reasons why customer data is so significant. Customer information can serve as the cornerstone of your marketing strategy, aid in the optimization and improvement of your campaigns, and have an impact on the messages you develop for them.

But as consumers grow more aware of how companies gather, store, and use their personal data and privacy becomes increasingly more crucial, this is becoming a significant problem for companies, particularly smaller, local ones.

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To make your marketing and targeting as successful as possible, we’ll go over all you need to know in this article about gathering and utilizing client data.

Customer data: what is it?

Any information you have about your current or potential clients is considered customer data. Customer data collection is essential for improving campaign targeting, creating segmented email lists, understanding your audience, and other purposes.

Let’s first discuss the various data sources before delving into the various kinds of client data:

  • Zero-party data: Information voluntarily provided by consumers to companies.
  • First-party data is information that companies obtain straight from their clients.
  • Second-party data is information that companies have access to but did not gather or own. This information may have been shared by a partner.
  • Third-party data: Information used by enterprises that is unrelated to them. Usually gathered from several sources, companies can purchase this for use in targeted advertising campaigns or studies.

Categories of Customer Data

You can gather four primary categories of client data, each of which has a unique set of benefits for your company’s marketing initiatives.

Fundamental Information

Simple data can be understood quite easily. It is the fundamental data about your clients, such as their:

  1. Name
  2. Electronic mail address
  3. Telephone number
  4. Talk to
  5. sex
  6. Revenue
  7. Sector
  8. Plus additional

Engagement Information

Information about how your consumers interact with your company at different touchpoints is known as engagement data. This could involve how they interact with your social media accounts, how they navigate your website, or whether they click on your search advertisement.

Businesses usually gather this information at a group level as opposed to an individual one. Nevertheless, there are tools that can assist you in seeing this data at a user-level.

You may use this consumer data to determine which campaigns or messages are most effective for your business, evaluate the success of your marketing activities, and pinpoint areas where your marketing plan needs to be improved.

Attitude-Based Information

Information regarding clients’ opinions of your company, its goods, and services is known as attitude data. While harder to gather, this customer data is incredibly valuable.

Since this kind of information is directly from your clients, it is typically gathered through surveys or reviews.

You may enhance your marketing campaigns, goods and services, and general business operations by using attitude data.

Behavioral Information

Behavioral data pertains to the manner in which clients interact with your goods or services directly. This covers things like previously made purchases, arranged appointments, products placed to a cart, and more.

Numerous tools, including POS systems and lead management platforms, can be used to get this data.

How to get client information

There are numerous ways to gather consumer information without compromising their privacy or causing legal repercussions. We’ll concentrate on a few techniques for gathering first- and zero-party consumer data.

These are a few choices for gathering client information.

Create a List of Emails

Among the most effective methods of gathering client information is email list building. Building an email list can be done in a variety of methods, such as:

  • Getting subscribers to your newsletter
  • Making a contact form available on your website
  • Including a form for contact on your landing pages
  • establishing a quiz where users can receive their answers in return for their email addresses
  • And a couple more choices that we’ll discuss soon

Creating an email list will assist you in gathering engagement and basic data, as well as lay the groundwork for you to get more data using some of our other suggestions.

Forward a Questionnaire

Asking your clients and prospects questions is one of the best ways to find out more about them! You can accomplish this by using surveys, which you can send, post on your website, or attach to your invoices and receipts.

Your survey’s questions will vary depending on the kind of client information you want to gather.

For instance, your survey will probably seem more like a lead gathering form with sections for your customers’ name, phone number, address, and employment if you just want to gather basic data.

In order to gather the illusive attitudinal data, your survey should concentrate more on the opinions of your clients on your company, goods, and services.

Hold a Competition

Organizing a contest is an excellent way to gather customer data, regardless of your goals—growing your email list or monitoring engagement metrics, for example.

Make sure the prize is appealing and make sure you advertise your contest on the channels where your consumers are most likely to participate—like social media, email, and your website—in exchange for the important data you are gathering from them.

Make Use of a Lead Management Platform

Utilizing a lead management system is among the finest methods to gather customer information and discover more about your clientele. A lead management system keeps tabs on the sources of your leads, their online interactions with your company, and how they use your goods and services.

You can also aggregate your customer data and find fascinating trends that might influence your overall marketing strategy and budgetary decisions with the aid of a lead management system that employs a single lead mailbox.

Provide a Downloadable Resource for Free

Offering a free downloadable resource related to your business is another excellent method of growing your email list and gathering client information.

Though it’s a well-liked strategy in the B2B sector, B2C companies can also benefit greatly from it. For instance, a dentist can offer a downloaded guide on foods to avoid for good teeth, or a cleaning company can offer a printable spring cleaning checklist.

Making your resource attractive enough to persuade a potential client or consumer to part with their information in exchange for what you’re offering is the aim.

How to Market Using Customer Data

We’ve briefly discussed the various ways that different kinds of customer data might affect your marketing, but now that you know some strategies for gathering this information, let’s go a bit farther.

Determine which Marketing Channels are Appropriate

Gaining additional insight into your clientele’s demographics and online activities can help you select the marketing channels that will have the greatest influence on your company.

For instance, you may anticipate that TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram will be significant business drivers if you know that Gen Zers make up the majority of your clientele.

Alternatively, you might think about concentrating more of your marketing efforts on search ads and SEO if a survey reveals that the majority of your present clients discovered your company on Google, since this could help you attract new clients there.

You might discover some previously undiscovered channels through the collection of consumer data, which can aid in the testing of novel ideas and improve the efficacy of your marketing.

Improve your Marketing Communications

You can improve your marketing messaging by knowing how your customers interact with your company, what motivates them to buy from you, and what their main pain points are. This enables you to target your marketing plan specifically at your most probable clients, which may produce greater outcomes.

For instance, you might have discovered that the majority of your plumbing clients appreciate your prompt reaction to emergency situations after sending them a survey. Then, you may utilize this information to persuade prospective new clients to contact you or to think of you in an emergency by including it in the copy of your advertisements, on your website, and in posts on social media.

Customize your Advertising

It is no longer a “nice to have” for efficient marketing to incorporate personalization. It is essential. And without access to consumer data, it is impossible to personalize your marketing.

Your email marketing communications or ad campaigns will be more precisely targeted if you use customer data to categorize your audiences.

Since this is probably a topic they are interested in, you could, for instance, tag clients who have previously purchased your teeth-whitening package within your lead management system and then send them emails about teeth-whitening deals or material on how to keep your teeth clean.

Customers may feel as though they are receiving a personalized experience from these tailored ads, which may encourage them to act.

Impact nurture sequences

Nurture sequences designed to boost conversions can be created when you gather customer data that aids in understanding your buyer’s journey.

Sending a sequence of emails with the goal of guiding prospects through the sales funnel and eventually converting them into customers is known as email nurturing.

Through the collection of customer data regarding their interactions with your business at every stage of the funnel, you can refine your nurture sequences to determine the most appropriate path for specific groups of prospective clients.

Also read this: How to make Money Online with Email Marketing for Free

What Are the Benefits of Amino Acid Supplements?


What Are the Benefits and Risks of Taking the Amino Acids Supplements?

If your body is deficient in any of the essential amino acids, you may benefit from taking supplements of amino acids. It’s common to refer to amino acids as the building blocks of protein or the building blocks of life. The human body uses these organic substances to aid in the formation of protein. Nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen are present in all amino acids.

Amino Acids Come in three Distinct Varieties, and they are:

  • Necessary amino acids
  • Amino acids Conditional
  • Amino acids that are not necessary

Essential amino acids are derived from food, while conditional and non-essential amino acids are produced by the body independent of dietary intake. Eating a high-protein diet is thought to be crucial for ensuring that the body gets the necessary amount of critical amino acids.

When people discuss amino acid supplements, they typically mean supplements that include one or more of the nine necessary amino acids, which are not produced by the body naturally. Among them are:

  • Lysine
  • Leucine
  • Tryptophan
  • Histidine
  • Isoleucine
  • Methionine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Threonine
  • Valine

Although it is usually excluded from supplements containing amino acids, children need arginine.

One class of necessary amino acids that is frequently present in over-the-counter supplements is branch-chain amino acids. The term “branch chain” describes the leucine, isoleucine, and valine amino acids.

The normal way that essential amino acids are obtained is through a healthy diet and nutrition. Supplementing with amino acids is advised occasionally.

Generally, all that is required is a diet rich in enough protein from meat, fish, dairy products, and eggs. When undergoing treatment for illnesses like cancer or when experiencing high levels of stress, it may be advised to take more amino acids.

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Amino Acids are Beneficial Because they:

  • Aid in the process of food digesting
  • Aid in the process of growth and bodily tissue healing
  • Are utilized by the body as a source of energy.

Advantages of Supplementing with Amino Acids

There are advantages and disadvantages to every drug and dietary supplement. Consult your physician to determine whether taking an essential amino acid combination as a supplement might benefit your general health.

Function of Muscles

Strength and muscular growth depend on appropriate amino acid levels. They aid in maintaining the proper balance between human muscle growth and atrophy.

Your body may receive more nitrogen if you add vital amino acids to your diet. Moreover, it may support the preservation of the quantity of amino acids kept in your skeletal muscles.

Performance in Sports

A high-protein diet and supplements containing amino acids are commonly promoted to athletes. You can get more muscle growth if you eat vital amino acids right before or right after working out.

Amino acids may also help during the recuperation phase after exercise. However, whether taking an amino acid supplement or just eating a high-protein diet has a big effect is unknown.

Levels of Sugar in Blood

Blood sugar levels have been demonstrated to benefit from amino acids. When using amino acids, some individuals with type 2 diabetes can reduce their blood sugar levels without affecting their insulin levels. The potential long-term impacts of amino acid supplementation on blood sugar are unknown.

Skin Condition

Supplementing with amino acids may help young women’s skin condition overall and at the moisture level. They can increase their muscle mass as well.

Which foods include the amino acids?

The building components of protein are amino acids. Proteins are created when the amino acids combine. Overall, 20 different kinds of amino acids fall into three groups:

  • Essential
  • Non-essential
  • Conditional

Nine of these 20 amino acids are necessary, meaning our bodies cannot make them on their own; we must obtain them from the food we eat. Among the nine necessary amino acids are:

  • Histidine
  • Isoleucine
  • Leucine
  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Valine

The following foods are high in amino acids:

Sensible serving sizes of seeds and nuts, such as:

  • Almonds
  • Hazelnuts
  • Combined nuts
  • Peanuts
  • Almond butter
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Cashews
  • High-quality protein can be found in legumes and beans (20–45%). Beans and legumes consist of:

  • Peas
  • Chickpeas
  • Lentils
  • Soybeans
  • Peanuts
  • Cooked kidney beans
  • Black beans
  • Garbanzo beans
  • Edamame

Amino acids and other vital micronutrients are abundant in the majority of fish. Omega 3 fatty acids and amino acids are abundant in salmon.

  • Products made from soy protein:
  • Tempeh
  • Tofu

Dairy Products with Less Fat

All 17 amino acids, including the essential ones, are present in mushrooms. According to a study, adding mushrooms to a cereal diet could aid people who are deficient in lysine.

Approximately 25% of your daily protein requirement can be met by consuming 100 grams of cottage cheese. It has a significant amount of tryptophan and threonine among other amino acids.

Tryptophan is an amino acid that is abundant in Turkey. You need tryptophan for:

  • Breakdown
  • wholesome skin
  • appropriate nerve function
  • produces serotonin, which has an impact on happiness and mood.
  • Essential amino acids abound in eggs.
  • The body can absorb and use the amino acids from eggs more effectively than it can from other sources, such as casein or soy.
  • All nine of the necessary amino acids that your body needs from meals are abundant in quinoa. It is a superior supplier of amino acids to wheat and rice because it contains more lysine.


If your body is deficient in any of the essential amino acids, you may benefit from taking supplements of amino acids. You can examine your diet with the assistance of a nutritionist or healthcare professional to see if you should think about taking amino acid supplements.

Headache, discomfort, and nausea are three of the most often cited side effects of long-term amino acid intake.

Supplementing with amino acids may affect your blood sugar levels. As a result, you ought to stay away from them both before and after surgery.

Single amino acid supplements are not recommended by many specialists. The most dangerous amino acids to overindulge in are histidine, cysteine, and methionine.

Supplements containing amino acids may interact with other medications you use, such as thyroid and diabetic treatments. Consult your physician before taking any amino acid supplements.

Also Read this: What are the Symptoms of Seasonal Allergy?

Sheikh Ismail, who Served Free Tea in Medina, Passed Away


Sheikh Ismail, who spent 40 years serving free tea in Medina, Died.

Sheikh Ismail, who spent forty years serving free tea and coffee to pilgrims in Medina, has passed away.

Ismail, who was 96 years old, had lived in Madinah for fifty years, originally from Hama, Syria. Every pilgrim who came to Madinah received a free cup of hot tea or coffee from Sheikh Ismail.

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Sometimes these great elderly pilgrims from Syria also offered traditional sweets of their native region to Medina. He is also gave free perfume and dates to the pilgrims on a daily basis.

He lived in Madinah for 50 years and offered free tea, coffee and dates to every visiting pilgrim. Sheikh Ismail sometimes offered pilgrims traditional sweets from his native region.

He was 96 years old, he was known as “the host of the Prophet’s guests” due to his humanitarian service.

He has said in many interviews that he is doing human service for the pleasure of Allah without any financial compensation.

Also read this: Chicago Govt Opens a Casino at Medinah Temple Named Building

Rain in Different Areas of Karachi, Pleasant Weather


Rain started in different areas of Karachi, weather became pleasant.

It started raining in different areas of Karachi city, the weather became pleasant, the videos of the rain went viral on social media.

Light rain has started at Karachi Airport, while there are reports of rains from Model Colony. Gulshan Iqbal Block 4 Maskan Chowrangi, Karachi is currently experiencing moderate rains. Lyari is currently experiencing heavy rain.

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There are also reports of rains in Federal B Area, Exhibition Chowrangi and other areas of the city while light rain has started in various areas of Defence, Akhtar Colony and Mehmoodabad.

The Meteorological Department had predicted heavy rains in Karachi on April 17 and 18, but today the Meteorological Department has said that the rains system reaching Karachi has weakened and there is a possibility of light rains in the city today.

It should be remembered that the Meteorological Department has predicted rain with strong winds, wind and thunder in most places of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit-Baltistan, Kashmir, Islamabad, Punjab and Balochistan during the next 24 hours. And there is a chance of thunderstorms

Also read this: Rain with Thunder Expected in Karachi from Tonight

Mari Petroleum Company Discovered Large Gas Deposit in Sindh


Karachi: Mari Petroleum Company discovered large gas deposit in Sindh.

Mari Petroleum Company Discovered Large Gas Deposit in Sindh. According to Mari Petroleum, a gas well has been discovered in Mari Ghazij Formation field, Mari Petroleum has informed the Pakistan Stock Exchange through a letter.

10 and a half MMCF of gas per day can be obtained from the well after drilling 1483 meters 1483-meter-deep gas reservoir was discovered.

all play significant roles in the film.

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It should be noted that the work of searching for gas reserves in different areas of the country has been going on since February.

Yesterday, Defense Minister Khawaja Asif said that Pakistan has decided to complete the Iran gas pipeline project. They are building their part of the pipeline from Gwadar to the Iranian border.

Talking to private TV, he said that there was an incident with Iran but now the relations are stable.

Khawaja Asif said that the embassy of an independent country was attacked by Israel, after which Iran had full right to act.

He further said that Pakistan has good relations with Saudi Arabia and UAE.

In response to a question, he said that the opposition’s fight is for power share, because Maulana Fazlur Rehman, Mehmood Achakzai, and others were with us in the previous coalition government.

Also Read this: OGRA Decision to Increase Average Gas Tariff by 35.13%

Unknown Person Attacked the Bishop with Knife in Church


Australia: Unknown man attacked bishop and priest in Sydney church.

At least four people, including a bishop, were injured in a knife attacked at a Sydney church on Monday, witnesses and police reported. The incident led to a scuffle between the angry locals and the police.

It was the second high-profile stabbing in Sydney in as many days, after six people were killed in a knife attack at a Bondi-area mall.

After the attack in Wakile, about 30 kilometers (18 miles) west of Sydney’s central business district, officers detained a boy and brought him to an undisclosed location.

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Following the attack, a sizable gathering swiftly assembled outside the church, hurling rocks at the police and demanding that they apprehend the attacker, according to two witnesses.

As they repelled people onto adjacent streets, police opened fire, a Reuters journalist reported. In the end, more than a hundred police officers were dispatched to quell the disturbances; two of them were injured and sent to the hospital.

At Christ The Good Shepherd Church, an Assyrian church, the attack on Monday took place during a service.

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, who was injured in a knife attack during worship at the Assyrian Christ the Good Shepherd Church, has forgiven the assailant.

The bishops of the Assyrian Church are recovering quickly and have forgiven the attacker, but police have stepped up investigations into the riots that began after the bishop was stabbed.


Australia has seen two knife attacks in three days, with six people killed on Saturday at a busy shopping center near Bondi Beach and on Monday at the Assyrian Christ the Good Shepherd Church in Sydney’s west, Australia’s most populous. The bishop was attacked in the church in the city.

“I am well and recovering very quickly, there is no need to worry or worry,” Bishop Mar-Marie Emmanuel said in an audio message posted on social media.

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel said in his message that I will forgive whoever did this act, I will always pray for whoever sent you to do this, I will also forgive him. will

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel is very popular on social media and has a large number of young people following him.

However, the suspected mob protested outside the church demanding the handover of the attacker. The suspect involved in the attack on the bishop has been arrested and is in hospital under police supervision.

New South Wales Police Commissioner Karen Webb said that the 19-year-old suspect has been charged while Bishop Emmanuel in his message urged his congregation to remain calm and respect the law.

Also read this: Christian Woman Died of Injuries Sustained during Attack

Movie Bade Miyan Chote Miyan Crossed over Rs 50 Crore in 7 Days


Akshay & Tiger movie “Bade Miyan Chote Miyan” collected Rs 50 crores.

The weekly box office report of Bade Miyan Chote Miyan is finally here. This movie made more than 50 crore rupees in 7 days.

This movie box office report, the Ali Abbas Zafar-directed film had an increase in its collection on its first week in theaters, following a notable decline on day 6. According to Sacnilk, the movie starring Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff made ₹2.50 crore at the box office on the day.

Bade Miyan Chote Miyan overall earnings are getting closer to the ₹50 crore level as a result. At present, the total amount collected is ₹48.20 crore. The film is the first joint venture between Tiger Shroff and Akshay Kumar. Alaya F, Manushi Chillar, and Prithviraj Sukumaran all play significant roles in the film.

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For the unversed, Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff’s Bade Miyan Chote Miyan is a reboot version of the 1998 blockbuster film of the same name. The film, which featured Amitabh Bachchan and Govinda in the lead roles, was helmed by David Dhawan.

Returning to the film, directed by Ali Abbas Zafar debuted in theaters on April 11, Eid. In it, Tiger Shroff plays Captain Rakesh (Rocky), while Akshay Kumar plays Captain Firoz, also known as Freddy. Prithviraj Sukumaran plays Kabir, the antagonist. Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi versions of Bade Miyan Chote Miyan were released.

Film reviewer Saibal Chatterjee said, “The story is astonishingly hollow.” Two exceptional soldiers, Freddy and Rocky, are court-martialed and expelled from the Army due to their disobedience.

The audience does not discover the reason until much later in the movie. However, before it, we see Rocky battling a fire and saving a stranded cat in Delhi, and Freddy laboring in a desert oil mine. Without even a breath break, it rockets from one action-packed scene to the next, trying to connect each major conflict with a flimsy, horribly fabricated plot device.

Also Read this: Deadpool and Wolverine Movie Trailer Breaks Records

Millat Express Incident: Woman Tortured by Police Officer in Train


Millat Express incident: A woman who was tortured by a policeman died.

Millat Express incident a woman who was found dead close to Chani Goth railway station after being tortured by policeman aboard a moving train.

The policeman was shown repeatedly striking the woman while gripping her hair in a video that went viral on social media, capturing the assault as other passengers looked on passively.

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According to Abdullah Sheikh, Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG) for Railways, the event happened on April 7 on the Millat Express, which was traveling from Karachi to Lala Musa.

The woman was identified as Jaranwala, Faisalabad, resident Maryam Bibi.

According to Afzal, the brother of the victim, his sister was visiting Jaranwala for Eid-ul-Fitr. She had previously worked at a beauty parlor in Karachi.

Bahawalpur Police

According to Afzal, Maryam departed Karachi by Millat Express on April 7. He said that Maryam’s family was notified of her death by the Bahawalpur police, who said she had fallen from a train.

“On April 9, we buried her in the village, believing it to be a rail accident. The truth about the incident and the violence against my sister came to light when the video went viral,” he continued.

Afzal claimed that the policeman had killed and tortured his sister, then thrown her body along a railroad track. They also asked the police to file a complaint, but they received no response.

The woman’s traveling nephew, meantime, said that his aunt was reciting loudly when the policeman objected and began abusing her.

“The policeman took our aunt with him and dropped us at the next station,” said the nephew.

Maryam Bibi’s autopsy was performed at Tehsil Headquarters Hospital in Ahmedpur, according to police, who stated they are awaiting the results.

Also read this: Peshawar Police Torture a Citizen with Hockey, Video goes Viral

Heavy Rain and Hailstorms Are Expected in Punjab


Chance of heavy rain and Hailstorms in some areas of Punjab today.

On Thursday and Friday, Punjab is expected to see heavy rain and Hailstorms. A wave from Balochistan will be moving westward and into northern Pakistan. On Wednesday night, there will be rain and thunderstorms in the Pothohar region, Murree, and other locations.

On Thursday and Friday, the Pakistan Meteorological Department predicts significant rainfall and hailstorms in a few other areas of Punjab.

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Much of Balochistan is currently under a westerly wave that is expected to reach northern Pakistan by Thursday.

On Wednesday evening, forecasts predict showers, gusty winds, and thunderstorms across the Pothohar region, as well as Murree, Galyat, Dera Ghazi Khan, Rajanpur, Multan, Kot Addu, Muzaffargarh, Rahim Yar Khan, Sadiqabad, Khanpur, Bahawalpur, and Bahawalnagar. Other regions of the province are expected to experience dry conditions.

From Thursday to Friday, several locations, including Murree, Galyat, Attock, Chakwal, Jhelum, Mandi Bahauddin, Gujrat, Gujranwala, Hafizabad, Sialkot, Narowal, Lahore, Kasur, Okara, Faisalabad, Toba Tek Singh, Jhang, Khushab, Sargodha, Mianwali, Pakpattan, Sahiwal, Dera Ghazi Khan, Rajanpur, Bhakkar, Layyah, Multan, Kot Addu, Muzaffargarh, Rahim Yar Khan, Sadiqabad, Khanpur, Bahawalpur, and Bahawalnagar are among those with rain, wind, thunderstorms, and isolated hailstorms forecast.

The maximum temperatures in Lahore are expected to range from 30 to 32 degrees Celsius on Thursday and between 28 and 30 degrees Celsius on Friday.

Also Read this: Rain with Thunder Expected in Karachi from Tonight